Healthy New Year’s Resolutions: Unplug daily
Thanks to modern electronics, we’re tuned in 24/7 and more stressed than ever. Not to mention a growing body of research finds that media overload can increase your risk for depression, social anxiety, job burnout, and even weight-gain.
Spending an hour, a few hours, or a full day without your phone, computer, or games. Can feel tough at first, like you’re missing out on phone calls, important texts or emails. However, time away from these devices can help with sleep, personal and professional relationships, even boost energy and give kids and teens time to be creative.
Tip: Give your co-workers and/or friends the heads-up that your having a quick “electronics detox”, or set a time/day that will be a regular occurrence for you and your family. This can ease any anxiety, so you can get the most out of your PHONE FREE time!