When talking about cleansing the bowel is king, and essentially is the first step in preparing the body for a cleanse. It is important to ensure the bowel is clean and moving well before the detoxing the rest of the body, otherwise the toxins that are trying to be eliminated from the body can back up and cause auto-intoxication! Doing oral Epsom salts before a cleanse can help with this. Another product to consider while cleansing is Renew Life’s FibreSmart. This product is both soluble and insoluble fibres that will help regulate the body!
My favourite cleanse is the Wild Rose Detox! Though I am not a fan of most packaged cleanses, I found the WRD to be very easy to use and the diet/recipe cookbook quite helpful. It was fun learning new recipes and experimenting with different foods.
As far as side effects, I did have some temporary bloating, gas and diarrhea, but that quickly passed after the 3rd day. By then my energy levels had increased and by the 11th day my eyes were brighter, I had a better mood and healthier hair/skin tone. On the last day I had some anxiety, but once that passed my thoughts became much clearer. Definitely looking forward to my next cleanse!
Blood Cleanser Salad:
Shredded carrot
Finely chopped parsley
Freshly crushed garlic
Fresh squeezed lemon juice
Sunflower or flax oil
Hemp hearts (optional)
Mix all ingredients and enjoy!
While this salad is definitely good at cleansing the blood, it is also a perfect meal (prebiotics) for you gut microbiome!
Donna Dixon
Certified Nutritionist at Hooper’s Brampton location